Barbara Herro

Client Service Leader Principal
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Barb Herro has over 40 years of operational and client service experience in the wealth and asset management industry. As Client Service Leader, her duties include direct client service and transactional assistance in addition to internal operational responsibilities such as quarterly reporting and billing. She has worked with Walter Dewey for over 30 years and Ben Dickey for more than 10. She is a Principal of Resonant and critical to client and firm success.

Barb started her career at U.S. Bancorp where she worked for 28 years in Trust Operations and Investments. Prior to helping found Resonant, Barb also spent 5 years at both Reinhart Partners and Madison Investment Advisors.

Barb and her husband Bob are longtime residents of Cottage Grove. Her personal passions include supporting Wisconsin sports teams and her family, including her children Ashley and Zach, as well as her grandsons, Blake and Easton.

What do you do to turn things around when you are having a bad day?

I visit my grandsons, they are so full of life and energy. They always bring a smile to my face.

What’s something you’ve done, but will never do again?

I went ziplining across a canyon in Puerto Vallarta, trusting that the chain I am hanging from would not break. It was an amazing adventure but would never try it again.

What is the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?

My mom always said “Treat others as you want to be treated”. Be kind to others but also think about others the way you want to be thought of. It was also good advice when growing up with 8 siblings under one roof.

What is your favorite way to unwind after a busy day?

Go out for a drink and bite to eat.

What is your favorite family tradition?

As a kid we would go to my grandma’s for Sunday lunch and my dad had 12 siblings which meant a lot of cousins to play with. My mom and dad carried on that family tradition of Sunday lunches. To this day my mom still makes Sunday lunches for my 8 siblings and their kids and grandkids or whoever is in town to get together.

If you could visit anywhere in the world you have never been, where would you go?


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